
Black Hat ASO: The One Hack to Increasing Your Keyword Ranking

Black Hat ASO: The One Hack to Increasing Your Keyword Ranking


In 15 minutes, discover the ASO hack to instantly increase your keyword rankings.

Have you spent hours of keyword research only to find that your app doesn't rank well for any of the terms?

Do you have a competitor who outranks your for your own app name?

Have you hired ASO consultants or services only to not see an impact on your keyword rankings?

Yeah I've been there too!

You see I was working with a client that was ranking #6 for a keyword that was the first word in his app name. This keyword had low competition so why was he ranking so low for this keyword?

That's when I started hacking away...

And I finally found an ASO strategy that got him to #1!

I started running a few more tests for different clients and sharing the strategy with my App Masters Mastermind community. And started seeing similar results!

We were all improving our keyword ranks and sometimes instantly!

And now I want to share this strategy with you.

Black Hat ASO Mini-Course

In this mini-course, you will discover how to improve your rankings for your target keyword. Say goodbye to competitors outranking you for your app name and hello to the top spots on the search results page.

In this mini course...

  • Discover the strategy that can instantly increase your ranking for your target keyword.
  • The exact template that I use to hack the system so that you will see results.
  • What keywords you should actually be targeting to see the biggest impact.

The results speak for themselves...

“In ASO I’ve never seen a trick working that fast for a specific term. We went from being 23th to 2nd for one of our apps.”

- Mastermind member

30-day money back gurantee

If you don't see immediate results from this mini course, then I will give you your money back no questions asked.

Most ASO companies will charge you hundreds if not thousands of dollars without any guaranteed results.

And if you wanted to hire me to do it, I would charge your $1,000 just for one app alone.

For as little as $79 and 15 minutes of your time, you can start seeing immediate results!


Can you guarantee I will increase my ranking if I buy the course?
If you follow my step-by-step system, then you will see results. However, if you are launching a new app and you're trying to rank high for a highly competitive term such as "instagram" then this is NOT the course for you.

Why is it called Black Hat ASO (that sounds scary)?
The course contains materials that Apple and Google may frown upon. That's why I also called it a "hack". The strategy is not for everyone, but it DOES work.

If this is so valuable, then why are you sharing it?
A few of my friends have told me NOT to share it, but I know how tough it is to get an edge on the competition and succeed in the app space, so this is my small contribution. Also, I consider myself a growth hacker, so I'm confident I'll come up with even more strategies. =)

You call it a mini course, but you're charging me $79?
That's right! Yes it's a short and impactful course, but I wanted to price it high enough so not everyone can utilize this strategy.

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